Pteri's Wild Ride !

Welcome to Pteri's Wild Ride

We hope you enjoy your stay!

Hello and welcome to my loosely-tied-together ideas and ramblings that could hardly be called a cohesive website. It's messy, all over the place, but it's my own!

Unlike many success stories I did, in fact, not grow up to be a web designer after an entire childhood of playing neopets dot com. Making a website has always been something that both fascinated and intimidated me too much to seriously try. So this page serves as both a learning experience and a creative outlet where I can be as cringe as I want.

I hope you stick around and check out the links on the navigation bar. Or not. It 's fine.

So, what can you expect to find on this ride?

Pretty much whatever I feel like posting here! Mostly my OC's and their stories, plus ramblings on my favorite games, series and other media.

Cringe culture is dead, babes.

Web based games have always been a big interest of mine, especially petsites. I have little to no time to play as much as I used to, but you can expect to find lots of little references to them! I mean, I have based the entirety of my online presence on the neopets birb so that's not surprising lol

This website looks best on desktop! Apologies to mobile users RIP.



about me

paola - she/her

My name is Paola but I also go by Pteri. I'm from Venezuela, where I work as a teacher. Outside of that, I'm a certified* petsite connoisseur who loves all manners of web-based games and misses the old internet dearly. English is my second language, so if something sounds strange it's probably my fault.


current petsims:
- neopets [ hiatus ]
- fr [ hiatus ]
- dv [ hiatus ]

socials :
- tumblr
- twitter
- discord [ ask! ]
There's nothing here... for now.
There's nothing here... for now.
There's nothing here... for now.
There's nothing here... for now.

Mother to Earth

Mother to Earth

An Earthbound/Mother 2 isnpired layout I made for my future Eartbound page that I'm totally writing. It has a theme switcher to change the windows' flavor, just like the game! It's also fully responsive!...I think.

Get it here: CSS/ HTML

Live preview






I want to get off Pteri's Wild Ride

Since 2023.